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Е. Миркес - Учебное пособие по курсу «Нейроинформатика»

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357. Stefanuk V.L. Expert systems and its applications // The lectures of Union's workshop on the main problems of artificial intillegence and intellectual systems. Part 2, Minsk, 1990.- P.36-55.

358. Sussman H.J. Uniqueness of the weigts for minimal feedforward nets wits a given input - output map. Neural Networks, 1992, No. 5. PP. 589–593.

359. Sweeney J.W.P., Musavi M.T., Guidi J.N. Probabilistic Neural Network as Chromosome Classifier // Proceedings of 1993 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Nagoya, Japan, October 25-29, 1993.- Nagoya, 1993.-V.1.- P.935-938.

360. Tabatabai A., Troudet T. P. A neural net based architecture for the segmentation of mixed gray-level and binary pictures // IEEE Trans. Circuits and Syst.- 1991. 31 38, № 1.- PP. 66-77.

361. Tao K.M., Morf M. A lattice filter type of neuron model for faster nonlinear processing // 23th Asilomar Conf. Signals, Syst. and Comput., Pasific Grove, Calif. Oct. 30-Nov. 1, 1989: Conf. Rec. Vol. 1.- San Jose (Calif.), 1989.- PP. 123-127.

362. The Adaptive Brain/ S. Grossberg (Ed.). North-Holland, 1987. V.1. Cognition, Learning, Reforcement, and Rhythm. 498 p. V.2. Vision, Speech, Language, and Motor Control. 514 p.

363. The Computer and the Brain. Perspectives of Human and Artificial Intelligence/Ed. by J.R. Brinc, C.R. Haden, C. Burava. North-Holland, 1989. 300 p.

364. Vakhrushev S.G., Rossiev D.A., Burenkov G.I., Toropova L.A. Neural network forecasting of optimal parameters of laserotherapy in patients after tonsillectomy // Proceedings of World Congress on Neural Networks - 1995 (WCNN'95).- P. 176-178.

365. Van Leeuwen J.L. Neural network simulations of the nervous system // Eur. J. Morphol.- 1990.- V.28, N.2-4.- P.139-147.

366. Varela F.J., Coutinho A., Dupire B. et al. Cognitive networks: immune, neural and otherwise // Teoretical immunology. Ed. by Perelson A.- Addison Wesley, 1988.- Part 2.- P.359-375.

367. Waxman C. Neurocomputers in the human sciences: program: predictions of US presidential elections// Modelling, Measurement & Control, D, Vol.5, No.1, 1992, pp.41-53

368. Weckert J. How expert can expert systems really be? // Libr. and Expert Syst.: Proc. Conf. and Workshop [Centre Inf. Stud.], Riverina, July, 1990.- London, 1991.- PP. 99-114.

369. Wiedermann J. On the computation efficiency of symmetric neural networks // Theor. Comput. Sci.- 1991.- 80, № 2.- PP. 337-345.

370. Wong K.Y.M., Kahn P.E., Sherrington D. A neural network model of working memory exhibiting primacy and recency // J. Phys. A.- 1991.- 24, № 5.- PP. 1119-1133.

371. Yang T.-F., Devine B., Macfarlane P.W. Combination of artificial neural networks and deterministic logic in the electrocardiogram diagnosis of inferior myocardial infarction // Eur. Heart J.- 1994.- V.15.- Abstr. Supplement XII-th World Congress Cardiology (2408).- P.449.

372. Hecht-Nielsen R. Neurocomputing. Addison-Wesley, 1990

373. Kock, G., Serbedzija, N.B.. Specification of Artificial Neural Networks based on the modified AXON Model, Proc. World Congress on Neural Networks Vol. I, Portland, 1993, P-433-436.

374. Kock, G., Serbedzija, N.B. (1993). Object-Oriented and Functional Concepts in Artificial Neural Network Modeling, Proc. Int. Joint Conf. on Neural Networks, Nagoya (Japan), 1993.

375. Kock, G., Serbedzija, N.B. Artificial Neural Networks: From Compact Descriptions to C++, in ICANN'94: Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Artificial Neural Networks, 1994

376. Миркес Е.М. Нейрокомпьютер. Проект стандарта. Новосибирск: Наука, Сибирская издательская фирма РАН, 1998, 337 С

377. Нейроинформатика / А.Н.Горбань, В.Л.Дунин-Барковский, А.Н.Кирдин, Е.М.Миркес, А.Ю.Новоходько, Д.А.Россиев, С.А.Терехов, М.Ю.Сенашова, В.Г.Царегородцев. Новосибирск: Наука, Сибирская издательская фирма РАН, 1998, 296 С.

378. Горбань А.Н., Миркес Е.М. Логически прозрачные нейронные сети // Изв. ВУЗов. Приборостроение, 1996, Т. 39, № 1, С. 64–67.

379. Горбань А.Н., Миркес Е.М. Оценки и интерпретаторы ответа для нейронных сетей двойственного функционирования // Изв. ВУЗов. Приборостроение, 1996, Т. 39, № 1, С. 5–14.

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