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Деньги, рынок, капитал. Краткая история экономики - Лэй Эндрю

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8. Harford Tim. The Undercover Economist. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. P. 201–202. (Цит. по: Харфорд Т. Экономист под прикрытием / Пер. с англ. Е. Пономаревой. М.: МИФ, 2021.)

9. Uchibayashi Masao/Maize in pre-Columbian China found in Bencao Pinhui Jingyao // Yakugaku Zasshi: Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. 2006. 126 (1): 27–36.

10. Baker, 2022. P. 157.

11. Sascha O. Becker and Ludger Woessmann. Was Weber wrong? A human capital theory of Protestant economic history // Quarterly Journal of Economics. 2009. 124 (2): 531–596.

12. Coggan, 2020. P. 57.

13. Anderson Gary, Ekelund Robert B., Hebert Robert F. and Tollison Robert D. An economic interpretation of the medieval crusades // Journal of European Economic History. 1992. 21 (2): 339–363.

14. Coggan, 2020. P. 7–8.

15. Pamuk Şevket. The Black Death and the origins of the «Great Divergence» across Europe, 1300–1600 // European Review of Economic History. 2007. 11 (3): 289–317.

Эпоха парусного флота

1. Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database,

2. Статистика, касающаяся рабства, в этом и следующем абзацах заимствована из: Baker David, 2022. P. 171–172.

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4. Heblich Stephan, Redding Stephen and Voth Hans-Joachim. Slavery and the British Industrial Revolution. NBER Working Paper 30451. Cambridge, MA: NBER, 2022.

5. Charotti Carlos J., Palma Nuno and Pereira dos Santos João. American treasure and the decline of Spain. Economics Discussion Paper Series EDP-2201. Manchester: University of Manchester, 2022.

6. Acemoglu Daron, Johnson Simon and Robinson James A. The colonial origins of comparative development: An empirical investigation // American Economic Review. 2001., 91 (5): 1369–1401.

7. Armies of the East India Company // National Army Museum website. (без даты).

8. Trend John Brande. Portugal. N. Y.: Praeger, 1957. P. 103.

9. Oster Emily. Witchcraft, weather and economic growth in Renaissance Europe // Journal of Economic Perspectives. 2004. 18 (1): 215–228.

10. Garber Peter. Famous first bubbles // Journal of Economic Perspectives. 1990. 4 (2): 35–54.

Промышленная революция и богатство народов

1. В долларах США по состоянию на 2011 г. по данным: Bolt and Luiten van Zanden, 2020.

2. Clark Gregory A Farewell to Alms: A Brief Economic History of the World. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2007. P. 38. (Кларк Грегори. Прощай, нищета! Краткая экономическая история мира / Пер. с англ. Н. Эдельмана. М.: Изд-во Института Гайдара, 2012. С. 39.)

3. Bolt and Luiten van Zanden, 2020; Roser Max, Appel Cameron and Ritchie Hannah. Human height. 2013.

4. Allen Robert. The Industrial Revolution: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. P. 4–7.

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9. Hammond Alexander C.R. Heroes of progress, Pt. 13: James Watt // 2019. 7 March.

10. Norman Jesse. Adam Smith: What He Thought, and Why It Matters. L.: Penguin, 2018.

11. Buchholz Todd. New Ideas from Dead Economists: An Introduction to Modern Economic Thought. L.: Penguin Books, 1999. P. 14.

12. Согласно определению таких организаций, как Polity Project и Economist Intelligence Unit, полностью демократической можно считать страну, в которой уважают гражданские свободы, имеется демократическая политическая культура и гарантирована независимость судебной власти и свобода СМИ.

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14. Работы Милля легли в основу концепции Homo economicus, хотя сам он не использовал этот термин; см.: Persky Joseph. Retrospectives: The ethology of Homo economicus // Journal of Economic Perspectives. 1995. 9 (2): 221–231.

15. Johnson Steven. How We Got to Now: Six Inventions That Made the Modern World. N. Y.: Riverhead Books, 2014. P. 32.

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18. Gans Joshua and Leigh Andrew.Innovation + Equality: How to Create a Future That Is More Star Trek Than Terminator. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2019. P. 24.

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20. Keller Wolfgang and Shiue Carol H. China’s foreign trade and investment, 1800–1950. NBER Working Paper 27558. Cambridge, MA: NBER, 2020.

21. Allen, 2017. P. 97.

22. Pressman Steven. Fifty Major Economists. L.: Routledge, 1999. P. 36.

23. Цит. по: Kishtainy, 2017. P. 40.

Расцвет торговли, путешествий и технологий

1. Bagehot Walter. The Collected Works of Walter Bagehot / edited by. Norman St John-Stevas. L.: The Economist, 1965. Vol. 3. P. 216.

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3. Allen, 2017. P. 119.

4. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime. World Drug Report 2008. N. Y.: United Nations, 2008. P. 175.

5. Очерк экономического развития Японии составлен по: Allen, 2017. P. 119–124.

6. Cameron, 1989. P. 275–276. (Камерон, 2001. С. 342, 343.)

7. Baldwin Richard. Globalisation: The great unbundling(s). Prime Minister’s Office, Economic Council of Finland, 2006.

8. Bolt and Luiten van Zanden, 2020.

9. Allen, 2017. P. 76.

10. По данным Our World in Data (

11. Gallman Matthew J. The North Fights the Civil War: The Home Front. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1994. P. 95.

12. Galenson David. Old Masters and Young Geniuses: The Two Cycles of Artistic Creativity. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2006.

13. Twarog Sophia. Heights and living standards in Germany, 1850–1939: The case of Wurttemberg // Steckel Richard H. and Floud Roderick (eds). Health and Welfare During Industrialization. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997. P. 285–330.

14. Dunn Peter. Stéphane Tarnier (1828–1897), the architect of perinatology in France // Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition. 2002. 86 (2): F137–139.

15. Boeing Geoff. Urban spatial order: Street network orientation, configuration, and entropy //Applied Network Science. 2019. 4 (1): 1–19.

Экономические модели и современные фабрики

1. Humphrey Thomas M. Marshallian cross diagrams and their uses before Alfred Marshall: The origins of supply and demand geometry // Economic Review. 1992. 78: 3–23.

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