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Джон Толкиен - Английский язык с Дж. Р. Р. Толкиеном. Хоббит

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“You don’t know everything (ты всего не знаешь), O Smaug the Mighty (О Могущественный Смауг), ” said he. “Not gold alone brought us hither (не только золото привело нас сюда). ”

dangerous [ˈdeɪndʒǝrǝs] fair [feǝ] grievous [ˈɡri: vǝs] hither [ˈhɪðǝ]

“Dwarves!” said Bilbo in pretended surprise.

“Don’t talk to me!” said Smaug. “I know the smell (and taste) of dwarf — no one better. Don’t tell me that I can eat a dwarf-ridden pony and not know it! You’ll come to a bad end, if you go with such friends, Thief Barrel-rider. I don’t mind if you go back and tell them so from me. ”

But he did not tell Bilbo that there was one smell he could not make out at all, hobbit-smell; it was quite outside his experience and puzzled him mightily. “I suppose you got a fair price for that cup last night?” he went on. “Come now, did you? Nothing at all! Well, that’s just like them. And I suppose they are skulking outside, and your job is to do all the dangerous work and get what you can when I’m not looking — for them? And you will get a fair share? Don’t you believe it! If you get off alive, you will be lucky. ” Bilbo was now beginning to feel really uncomfortable. Whenever Smaug’s roving eye, seeking for him in the shadows, flashed across him, he trembled, and an unaccountable desire seized hold of him to rush out and reveal himself and tell all the truth to Smaug. In fact he was in grievous danger of coming under the dragon-spell. But plucking up courage he spoke again. “You don’t know everything, O Smaug the Mighty, ” said he. “Not gold alone brought us hither. ”

“Ha (ха)! Ha! You admit the ‘us’ (ты признаешь "нас"), ” laughed Smaug (засмеялся Смауг). “Why not say ‘us fourteen’ (почему бы не сказать "нас четырнадцать") and be done with it (и не покончить с этим), Mr. Lucky Number (мистер Счастливый Номер)? I am pleased to hear (я очень рад услышать) that you had other business in these parts (что у вас было совсем другое дело в этих краях) besides my gold (кроме моего золота). In that case you may, perhaps (в этом случае вы, возможно), not altogether waste your time (не совсем потратите свое время впустую).

“I don’t know if it has occurred to you (не знаю, приходила ли вам в голову такая мысль; to occur — случаться, происходить, приходить на ум) that, even if you could steal the gold bit by bit (что, даже если вы могли бы своровать золото постепенно: «кусочек за кусочком = по кусочку») — a matter of a hundred years or so (всего делов-то — сто лет или около того: «дело на сто лет или около того») — you could not get it very far (вы не смогли бы унести его очень далеко)? Not much use on the mountain-side (немного пользы /от него/ на склоне горы)? Not much use in the forest (немного пользы в лесу)? Bless me (помилуй Бог: «благослови меня»)! Had you never thought of the catch (ты никогда не задумывался, в чем подвох-то; catch—поимка, добыча; хитрость, ловушка, подвох)? A fourteenth share, I suppose (я полагаю, что одна четырнадцатая часть), or something like it (или что-то в этом роде), those were the terms, eh (таковы были условия, а)? But what about delivery (а как насчет доставки)? What about cartage (как насчет стоимости /гужевой/ перевозки; cart — повозка; подвода; телега)? What about armed guards and tolls (как насчет /стоимости/ вооруженной охраны и пошлин; to arm — вооружать (ся); arms — оружие, доспехи)?”

And Smaug laughed aloud (и Смауг громко рассмеялся). He had a wicked and a wily heart (у него было злобное и коварное сердце), and he knew his guesses were not far out (и он знал, что его догадки были не далеки от правды), though he suspected (хотя он и подозревал) that the Lake-men were at the back of the plans (что за всеми этими планами стоят Люди-с-Озера; to be at the back of smth. — скрываться за чем-либо, быть зачинщиком чего-либо), and that most of the plunder was meant to stop there (и что большую часть добычи предполагалось оставить там; plunder—грабеж, разбой; добыча, награбленное; to stop — останавливать (ся), оставаться, прекращать) in the town by the shore (в городе на берегу) that in his young days (который в дни его юности: «его молодые дни») had been called Esgaroth (назывался Эсгарот).

catch [kætʃ] delivery [dɪˈlɪv (ǝ) rɪ] cartage [ˈkɑ: tɪdʒ]

“Ha! Ha! You admit the ‘us’, ” laughed Smaug. “Why not say ‘us fourteen’ and be done with it. Mr. Lucky Number? I am pleased to hear that you had other business in these parts besides my gold. In that case you may, perhaps, not altogether waste your time.

“I don’t know if it has occurred to you that, even if you could steal the gold bit by bit — a matter of a hundred years or so — you could not get it very far? Not much use on the mountain-side? Not much use in the forest? Bless me! Had you never thought of the catch? A fourteenth share, I suppose, or something like it, those were the terms, eh? But what about delivery? What about cartage? What about armed guards and tolls?” And Smaug laughed aloud. He had a wicked and a wily heart, and he knew his guesses were not far out, though he suspected that the Lake-men were at the back of the plans, and that most of the plunder was meant to stop there in the town by the shore that in his young days had been called Esgaroth.

You will hardly believe it (вы вряд ли поверите /в это/), but poor Bilbo was really very taken aback (но бедный Бильбо был действительно ошеломлен; taken aback — пораженный, захваченный врасплох). So far (до сих пор) all his thoughts and energies (все его помыслы и усилия; energy — энергия, сила; energies — усилия, активность, деятельность) had been concentrated on getting to the Mountain (были сконцентрированы на том, что бы добраться до Горы) and finding the entrance (и найти вход). He had never bothered to wonder (он никогда не давал себе труда, чтобы задуматься) how the treasure was to be removed (как же сокровище будет вынесено: «должно быть вынесено»), certainly never (и уж конечно никогда о том) how any part of it (как любая его часть) that might fall to his share (что могла перепасть на его долю) was to be brought back (будет отнесена назад) all the way to Bag-End Under-Hill (всю дорогу, до Бэг-энда Под Холмом). Now a nasty suspicion (теперь же отвратительные сомнения/подозрения; suspicion — подозрение) began to grow in his mind (начали расти в его голове) — had the dwarves forgotten this important point too (неужели гномы тоже забыли об этом важном моменте), or were they laughing in their sleeves at him (или они смеялись над ним украдкой; tolaugh in one's sleeve — смеяться в кулак; sleeve — рукав) all the time (все это время)? That is the effect that dragon-talk (вот какое воздействие разговор дракона) has on the inexperienced (оказывает на неподготовленного /человека/; inexperienced — неопытный). Bilbo of course ought to have been on his guard (Бильбо, конечно, следовало бы быть настороже; guard — охрана, стража, караул; осторожность, бдительность); but Smaug had rather an overwhelming personality (но Смауг обладал довольно-таки подавляющей индивидуальностью; to overwhelm — преодолеть, подавить, овладеть).

“I tell you (я скажу тебе), ” he said (сказал он), in an effort to remain loyal to his friends (пытаясь: «в попытке/усилии» оставаться верным своим друзьям; loyal — верный, преданный, надежный) and to keep his end up (и не упасть духом; to keep one's end up — не сдаваться, не падать духом, неукоснительно выполнять принятые на себя обязательства; end — конец, цель), “that gold was only an afterthought with us (что то золото было только дополнительным /делом/ для нас; afterthought — запоздалая мысль, отговорка, придуманная задним числом, добавление). We came over hill and under hill (мы шли над холмом и под холмом), by wave and wind (по волнам: «по волне» и по ветру), for Revenge (для "Мести"). Surely, O Smaug the unassessably wealthy (о Смауг, безмерно: «неизмеримо/неоценимо» богатый; to assess — определять размер /налога или штрафа/, оценивать, давать оценку), you must realize (ты должен понимать) that your success has made you some bitter enemies (что твое благосостояние создало тебе /некоторых/ злейший врагов; success — успех, удача, процветание; bitter — горький)?”

concentrated [ˈkɔns (ǝ) ntreɪtɪd] suspicion [sǝˈspɪʃ (ǝ) n] inexperienced [ˌɪnɪkˈspɪ (ǝ) rɪǝnst] overwhelming [ˌǝʋvǝˈwelmɪŋ] afterthought [ˈɑ: ftǝƟɔ: t] unassessable [ˌʌnǝˈsesǝb (ǝ) l]

You will hardly believe it, but poor Bilbo was really very taken aback. So far all his thoughts and energies had been concentrated on getting to the Mountain and finding the entrance. He had never bothered to wonder how the treasure was to be removed, certainly never how any part of it that might fall to his share was to be brought back all the way to Bag-End Under-Hill. Now a nasty suspicion began to grow in his mind — had the dwarves forgotten this important point too, or were they laughing in their sleeves at him all the time? That is the effect that dragon-talk has on the inexperienced. Bilbo of course ought to have been on his guard; but Smaug had rather an overwhelming personality.

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