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Edgar Burroughs - Английский язык с Э. Р. Берроузом. Принцесса Марса

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either ['aIDq], fathom ['fxDqm], understand ["Andq'stxnd], recently ['ri:sntlI], ancestor ['xnsqstq]

"You are right," I answered, "there is no escape for either of us unless we go together."

"I heard your challenge to the creature you call Tars Tarkas, and I think I understand your position among these people, but what I cannot fathom is your statement that you are not of Barsoom."

"In the name of my first ancestor, then," she continued, "where may you be from? You are like unto my people, and yet so unlike. You speak my language, and yet I heard you tell Tars Tarkas that you had but learned it recently. All Barsoomians speak the same tongue from the ice-clad south to the ice-clad north, though their written languages differ. Only in the valley Dor, where the river Iss empties into the lost sea of Korus, is there supposed to be a different language spoken, and, except in the legends of our ancestors, there is no record of a Barsoomian returning up the river Iss, from the shores of Korus in the valley of Dor. Do not tell me that you have thus returned! They would kill you horribly anywhere upon the surface of Barsoom if that were true; tell me it is not!"

Her eyes were filled with a strange, weird light (ее глаза наполнились странным, таинственным светом); her voice was pleading (голос ее был молящим), and her little hands, reached up upon my breast (а ее маленькие ручки, протянутые к моей груди), were pressed against me as though to wring a denial from my very heart (прижались ко мне, как будто /стараясь/ исторгнуть отрицание прямо из моего сердца; to wring — выжимать, исторгать).

"I do not know your customs (я не знаю твоих обычаев), Dejah Thoris, but in my own Virginia a gentleman does not lie to save himself (но у меня в моей Виргинии джентльмен не станет лгать, чтобы спасти себя); I am not of Dor; I have never seen the mysterious Iss (я не из Дора, я никогда не видел таинственную реку Исс); the lost sea of Korus is still lost (затерянное море Коруса по-прежнему затеряно), so far as I am concerned (насколько это касается меня). Do you believe me (ты веришь мне)?"

And then it struck me suddenly (и затем меня вдруг поразила /мысль/) that I was very anxious that she should believe me (что я страстно желаю, чтобы она мне поверила; anxious — беспокоящийся, страстножелающий). It was not that I feared the results (не то чтобы я боялся результатов) which would follow a general belief that I had returned from the Barsoomian heaven or hell (которые повлечет за собой общая уверенность, что я вернулся из барсумианского рая или ада), or whatever it was (или что там это было). Why was it, then (отчего же, тогда)! Why should I care what she thought (почему меня должно заботить, что она думает)? I looked down at her (я посмотрел на нее); her beautiful face upturned (на ее прекрасное, обращенное вверх лицо), and her wonderful eyes opening up the very depth of her soul (и ее изумительные глаза, которые раскрывали всю глубину ее души); and as my eyes met hers I knew why, and — I shuddered (и когда мои глаза встретились с ее, — я понял, почему, и содрогнулся).

pleading ['pli:dIN], denial [dI'naIl], mysterious [mI'stIrIqs], anxious ['xNkSqs], heaven [hevn], beautiful ['bju:tIful]

Her eyes were filled with a strange, weird light; her voice was pleading, and her little hands, reached up upon my breast, were pressed against me as though to wring a denial from my very heart.

"I do not know your customs, Dejah Thoris, but in my own Virginia a gentleman does not lie to save himself; I am not of Dor; I have never seen the mysterious Iss; the lost sea of Korus is still lost, so far as I am concerned. Do you believe me?"

And then it struck me suddenly that I was very anxious that she should believe me. It was not that I feared the results which would follow a general belief that I had returned from the Barsoomian heaven or hell, or whatever it was. Why was it, then! Why should I care what she thought? I looked down at her; her beautiful face upturned, and her wonderful eyes opening up the very depth of her soul; and as my eyes met hers I knew why, and — I shuddered.

A similar wave of feeling seemed to stir her (похожая волна чувств, по-видимому, обуревала и ее; tostir— шевелить; волновать, возбуждать); she drew away from me with a sigh (она отодвинулась от меня со вздохом; todrawaway— отдаляться, расходиться), and with her earnest, beautiful face turned up to mine, she whispered (и, обратив ко мне свое серьезное, прекрасное лицо, она прошептала): "I believe you, John Carter; I do not know what a 'gentleman' is (я не знаю, что такое «джентльмен»), nor have I ever heard before of Virginia (и никогда раньше я не слышала о Виргинии); but on Barsoom no man lies (но на Барсуме ни один мужчина не лжет); if he does not wish to speak the truth he is silent (если он не хочет говорить правду — он молчит). Where is this Virginia, your country (где она, эта Виргиния, твоя страна), John Carter?" she asked, and it seemed that this fair name of my fair land had never sounded more beautiful (и казалось, что это прекрасное имя моей прекрасной страны никогда еще не звучало так великолепно) than as it fell from those perfect lips on that far-gone day (чем когда оно сорвалось с этих совершенных губ в этот давно ушедший день).

similar ['sImIlq], whisper ['wIspq], sound ['saund]

A similar wave of feeling seemed to stir her; she drew away from me with a sigh, and with her earnest, beautiful face turned up to mine, she whispered: "I believe you, John Carter; I do not know what a 'gentleman' is, nor have I ever heard before of Virginia; but on Barsoom no man lies; if he does not wish to speak the truth he is silent. Where is this Virginia, your country, John Carter?" she asked, and it seemed that this fair name of my fair land had never sounded more beautiful than as it fell from those perfect lips on that far-gone day.

"I am of another world (я из другого мира)," I answered, "the great planet Earth (с великой планеты Земля), which revolves about our common sun (которая обращается вокруг нашего общего солнца) and next within the orbit of your Barsoom (и /является/ ближайшей к орбите вашего Барсума; within — внутри; впределах), which we know as Mars (который нам известен как Марс). How I came here I cannot tell you, for I do not know (как я попал сюда — я не могу тебе сказать, потому что я не знаю); but here I am (но вот я здесь), and since my presence has permitted me to serve Dejah Thoris I am glad that I am here (и так как мое присутствие позволило мне служить Деже Торис, я рад, что я здесь)."

great [greIt], presence [prezns], permit [pq'mIt]

"I am of another world," I answered, "the great planet Earth, which revolves about our common sun and next within the orbit of your Barsoom, which we know as Mars. How I came here I cannot tell you, for I do not know; but here I am, and since my presence has permitted me to serve Dejah Thoris I am glad that I am here."

She gazed at me with troubled eyes (она посмотрела на меня встревоженными глазами), long and questioningly (долго и вопросительно). That it was difficult to believe my statement I well knew (то, что было трудно поверить моему утверждению, я хорошо понимал; statement— заявление, утверждение), nor could I hope that she would do so (также я не мог надеяться, что она сможет сделать это) however much I craved her confidence and respect (как бы сильно я ни стремился /приобрести/ ее доверие и уважение). I would much rather not have told her anything of my antecedents (я предпочел бы вовсе не говорить ей о моем прошлом; rather— лучше, охотнее; Iwouldmuchrather— я предпочел бы; antecedents— прошлая жизнь), but no man could look into the depth of those eyes (но ни один мужчина не мог бы, глядя в глубину этих глаз) and refuse her slightest behest (противиться ее малейшему повелению; behest— приказание, повеление, распоряжение, приказ; завет).

Finally she smiled, and, rising, said (наконец она улыбнулась и, поднимаясь, сказала): "I shall have to believe even though I cannot understand (мне придется поверить, даже если я не могу понять). I can readily perceive that you are not of the Barsoom of today (я легко могу понять, что ты не из современного Барсума; toperceive— понимать, осознавать; today— настоящее время, современность); you are like us, yet different (ты похож на нас, и все же другой) — but why should I trouble my poor head with such a problem (но зачем мне ломать: «беспокоить» мою бедную голову над этой проблемой), when my heart tells me (если мое сердце говорит мне) that I believe because I wish to believe (что я верю, потому что я хочу верить)!"

questioningly ['kwestS(q)nINlI], antecedent ["xntI'si:d(q)nt], behest [bI'hest], perceive [pq'si:v]

She gazed at me with troubled eyes, long and questioningly. That it was difficult to believe my statement I well knew, nor could I hope that she would do so however much I craved her confidence and respect. I would much rather not have told her anything of my antecedents, but no man could look into the depth of those eyes and refuse her slightest behest.

Finally she smiled, and, rising, said: "I shall have to believe even though I cannot understand. I can readily perceive that you are not of the Barsoom of today; you are like us, yet different — but why should I trouble my poor head with such a problem, when my heart tells me that I believe because I wish to believe!"

It was good logic, good, earthly, feminine logic (это была хорошая логика, хорошая, земная, женская логика), and if it satisfied her (и если она удовлетворяла ее) I certainly could pick no flaws in it (я, конечно, не мог найти в ней никаких изъянов; to pick — выбирать; выискивать). As a matter of fact it was about the only kind of logic (в сущности, это был единственный вид логики) that could be brought to bear upon my problem (который можно было использовать /для решения/ моей проблемы; to bear — допускать, разрешать; to bring to bear — использовать, пускатьвход). We fell into a general conversation then (затем мы перешли на разговор на общие темы; tofall— падать; устремляться, направляться), asking and answering many questions on each side (и каждый из нас: «с каждой стороны» задавал и отвечал на множество вопросов). She was curious to learn of the customs of my people (ей было любопытно узнать об обычаях моего народа) and displayed a remarkable knowledge of events on Earth (и она проявила замечательную осведомленность о земных событиях). When I questioned her closely on this seeming familiarity with earthly things (когда я начал подробно ее расспрашивать об этой очевидной осведомленности в земных делах; closely— близко; внимательно; toquestionclosely— подробно расспрашивать) she laughed, and cried out (она рассмеялась и воскликнула):

certainly ['sWtnlI], question ['kwestS(q)n], familiarity [fq"mIlI'xrItI]

It was good logic, good, earthly, feminine logic, and if it satisfied her I certainly could pick no flaws in it. As a matter of fact it was about the only kind of logic that could be brought to bear upon my problem. We fell into a general conversation then, asking and answering many questions on each side. She was curious to learn of the customs of my people and displayed a remarkable knowledge of events on Earth. When I questioned her closely on this seeming familiarity with earthly things she laughed, and cried out:

"Why, every schoolboy on Barsoom knows the geography (о, каждый школьник на Барсуме знает географию), and much concerning the fauna and flora (а также многое, касающееся фауны и флоры), as well as the history of your planet fully as well as of his own (а также историю вашей планеты столь же хорошо, как и своей собственной; fully — полностью, совершенно). Can we not see everything which takes place upon Earth, as you call it (разве мы не можем видеть все, что происходит на Земле, как вы называете ее); is it not hanging there in the heavens in plain sight (разве не висит она там в небесах на виду у всех; plain — ясный; plain sight — открытыйвид)?"

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