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Боевая характеристика на пилота 134 SBP лейтенанта Хрущева Леонида Никитовича. Из архива Министерства обороны. Предоставлена автору Ю. Л. Хрущевым.

Выписка из донесения начальнику штаба ВС 22 армии, исх. № 012/30 от 16.7.41. Из архива Министерства обороны. Предоставлена автору Ю. Л. Хрущевым.

Запись (недатированная) собрания московского партактива.

Отчет Хрущева Сталину от 26 июля 1944 года. Предоставлен автору Ю. Шаповалом.

Рассекреченная шифротелеграмма Жукова в Министерство иностранных дел. 1 ноября 1962 года.

Рассекреченная шифротелеграмма за номером 1224–1235. МИД. 30 октября 1962 года.

Рассекреченная шифротелеграмма министра иностранных дел Громыко в ЦК КПСС. 19 октября 1962 года.

Рассекреченная шифротелеграмма министра иностранных дел Громыко о его встрече с президентом Кеннеди. 18 октября 1962 года.

Рассекреченная шифротелеграмма посла Добрынина в Министерство иностранных дел. 23 и 24 октября 1962 года.

Рассекреченная шифротелеграмма посла Добрынина в Министерство иностранных дел. 27 октября 1962 года.

Справка Министерства обороны, без даты, подпись: Данилов. Фотокопия предоставлена автору Ю. Л. Хрущевым.


Alexeyeva L., Goldberg P. The Thaw Generation: Coming of Age in the Post-Stalin Era. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1993.

Alliluyeva S. Only One Year. NY.: Harper & Row, 1969.

Alliluyeva S. Twenty Letters to a Friend / Trans. Priscilla Johnson McMillan. NY.: Harper & Row, 1967.

Arbatov G The System: An Insider's Life in Soviet Politics. NY.: Times Books, 1992.

Beriia S. Beria, My Father: Inside Stalin's Kremlin. London: Duckworth, 2001.

Bisset! R. Jr. Reflections of a Cold Warrior: From Yalta to the Bay of Pigs. New Bohlen С. Witness to History, 1929–1969. NY.: Norton, 1973.

Bolshakov G. The Hot Line: The Secret Communication Channel between John Kennedy and Nikita Khrushchev // New Times. 1989. № 5.

Borodin N. M. One Man in His Time. London: Constable, 1955.

Bukovsky V. To Build a Castle: My Life as a Dissenter / Trans. Michael Scammell. NY.: Viking, 1979.

Burlatsky F. Khrushchev: The Era of Khrushchev through the Eyes of His Advisor/ Trans. Daphne Skillen. NY.: Scribner, 1991.

Dobrynin A. In Confidence: Moscow's Ambassador to America's Six Cold War Presidents. NY.: Times Books, 1995. ed. Solomon Volkov / Trans. Antonina W. Bouis. NY.: Harper & Row, 1979.

Eden A. Full Circle: The Memoirs of Anthony Eden. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960.

Ehrenburg I. The War: 1941–1945 / Trans. Tatiana Shebunina. Cleveland: World Publishing, 1965.

Eisenhower D. A Waging the Peace 1956–1961. NY.: Doubleday, 1965.

Eisenhower, John S. D. Strictly Personal Garden City. NY.: Doubleday, 1974.

Frankel M. The Times of My Life and My Life with the Times. NY.: Random House, 1999. Gaitskell H. The Diary of Hugh Gaitskell. 1945–1956 / Ed. Philip M. Williams. London: Jonathan Cape, 1983.

Gaulle Ch. de. The Complete War Memoirs of Charles de Gaulle. NY.: Da Capo Press, 1984. Djilas M. Conversations with Stalin, trans. Michael B. Petrovich. NY.: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1962.

Gates D. F. Chief: My Life in the LAPD. NY.: Bantam, 1992.

Ginzburg E. S. Into the Whirlwind / Trans. Paul Stevenson and Manya Harari. London: Collins, Harvill, 1967.

Ginzburg E. S. Within the Whirlwind / Trans. Ian Boland. NY.: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1981.

Gorbachev M. Memoirs. NY.: Doubleday, 1995.

Gribkov A. I., Smith W. V. Operation Anadyr: U.S. and Soviet Generals Recount the Cuban Missile Crisis / Ed. Alfred Friendly, Jr. Chicago: edition q, inc., 1994.

Gromyko A. Memoirs. NY.: Doubleday, 1989.

Harvey A. McGehee. A 1969 Conversation with Khrushchev: The Beginning of His Fall from Power // Life. 1970. December 18.

Haven: Yale University Press, 1996.

Hayter W. Sir. The Kremlin and the Embassy. NY.: Macmillan, 1966.

Heikal M. The Sphinx and the Commissar: The Rise and Fall of Soviet Influence in the Middle East. NY.: Harper & Row, 1978.

Hoxha E. The Artful Albanian / Ed. Jon Halliday. London: Chatto and Windus, 1986.

Hoxha E. The Khrushchevites: Memoirs. Tirana, Albania: 8 Nenteri Publishing House, 1980.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Boston: Little, Brown, 1972.

Kaganovich L. Памятные записки. М.: Вагриус, 1996.

Khrushchev Nikita S. Khrushchev Remembers / Trans, and ed. Strobe Talbott. Boston: Little, Brown, 1970.

Khrushchev Nikita S. Khrushchev Remembers: The Glasnost Tapes / Trans, and ed. Jerrold L. Schecter with Vyacheslav Luchkov. Boston: Little, Brown, 1990.

Khrushchev Nikita S. Khrushchev Remembers: The Last Testament / Trans, and ed. Strobe Talbott. Boston: Little, Brown, 1974.

Khrushchev S. N. Nikita Khrushchev and the Creation of a Superpower. University Park: Penn State Press, 2000.

Khrushchev. NY.: Norton, 1972.

Kistiakowsky G. В. A Scientist at the White House: The Private Diary of President Eisenhower's Special Assistant for Science and Technology. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1976.

Kennedy Robert F. Thirteen Days: A Memoir of the Cuban Missile Crisis. NY.: Norton, 1969. Kharlamov M., ed. Face to Face with America: The Story ofN. S. Khrushchev's Visit to the Lippmann W. Conversations with Walter Lippmann. Boston: Little, Brown, 1965.

Lodge H. С The Storm Has Many Eyes: A Personal Narrative. NY.: Norton, 1973.

MacDuffie M. The Red Carpet: 10,000 Miles through Russia on a Visa from Khrushchev. NY.: Norton, 1955.

Macmillan H. Pointing the Way: 1959–1961. NY.: Harper & Row, 1972.

Macmillan H. Riding the Storm: 1956–1959. London: Macmillan, 1971.

Macmillan H. Tides of Fortune: 1945–1955. NY.: Harper & Row, 1969.

Micunovic V. Moscow Diary / Trans. David Floyd. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1980.

Molotov Remembers: Conversations with Feliks Chuev / Ed. Albert Resis. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee, 1993.

Nixon R. M. Leaders. NY.: Warner Books, 1982.

Nixon R. M. Six Crises. Garden City, NY.: Doubleday, 1962.

O'Donnell K. P., Powers D. «Johnny We Hardly Knew Ye»: Memories of Parrott С The Serpent and the Nightingale. London: Faber & Faber, 1977.

Quan Yanchi. Mao Zedong yu Xeluxiaofu (Mao Zedong and Khrushchev). Jilin: Jilin remin chuban she. Informal English trans, of the Chinese text prepared for the author.

Reston J. Deadline: A Memoir. NY.: Random House, 1991.

Roberts Ch. First Rough Draft: A Journalist's Journal of Our Times. NY.: Praeger, 1973.

Rusk D. As I Saw It, as told to Richard Rusk and ed. Daniel S. Papp. NY.: Norton, 1990.

Sakharov A. Memoirs / Trans. Richard Lourie. NY.: Knopf, 1990.

Sakharov А. Воспоминания // Знамя. 1990. № 11.

Salinger P. With Kennedy. Garden City, NY.: Doubleday, 1966.

Salisbury H. E. A Journey for Our Times: A Memoir. NY.: Harper & Row, 1983.

Salisbury H. E. Heroes of My Time. NY.: Walker, 1993.

Schorr D. Staying Tuned: A Life in Journalism. NY.: Pocket Books, 2001.

Shamberg V. Stalin's Last Inner Circle // Harriman Review. 1997. V. 10. № 1.

Shevchenko A. N. Breaking with Moscow. NY.: Knopf, 1985.

Shostakovich D. Testimony: The Memoirs of Dmitri Shostakovich, related to.

Smith W. B. My Three Years in Moscow. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1950.

Solzhenitsyn A. I. The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956: An Experiment in Literary Investigation. V. I–II / Trans. Thomas P. Whitney. NY.: Harper & Row, 1973, 1974.

Solzhenitsyn A. I. The Gulag Archipelago. NY.: Harper & Row, 1978. V. 3.

Solzhenitsyn A. I. The Oak and the Calf: Sketches of Literary Life in the Soviet Union / Trans. Harry Willets. NY.: Harper & Row, 1980.

Sorensen Т. С Kennedy. NY.: Bantam, 1966.

Sudoplatov P., Sudoplatov A. Jerrold L., Schecter L. P. Special Tasks. Boston: Little, Brown, 1994.

Sulzberger С L. The Last of the Giants. NY.: Macmillan, 1970.

Taubman W. The View from Lenin Hub: Soviet Youth in Ferment. NY.: Coward — McCann, 1967.

Toranska T. Them: Stalin's Polish Puppets / Trans. Agnieszka Kolakowska. NY.: Harper & Row, 1987.

U.S. A, September 15–27, 1959. Moscow: 1960.

Vidali V. Diary of the Twentieth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union / Trans. Nell Amter Cattonar and A. M.. Elliot. Westport, Conn.: Lawrence Hill and Co., 1974. Vishnevskaya G. Galina: A Russian Story. NY.: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1984.

Walters V. A. Silent Missions. Garden City, NY.: Doubleday, 1978.

Watson T. J. Father, Son and Co.: My Life at IBM and Beyond. NY.: Bantam, 1990.

Weit E. Eyewitness: The Autobiography of Gomutka's Interpreter / Trans. Mary Schofleld. London: Deutsch, 1973.

Wright P. Spycatcher: The Candid Autobiography of a Senior Intelligence Officer. NY.: Viking, 1987.

Zhisui Dr. Li. The Private Life of Chairman Mao / Trans. Tai Hung-Chao. NY.: Random House, 1994.

Zhukov G Reminiscences and Reflections. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1985. 2 v.

Аджубей А. Крушение иллюзий. М.: Интербук, 1991.

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