Джерард Уильямс - Серый волк. Бегство Адольфа Гитлера
The Associated Press, Travemьnde, June 16, 1945 (delayed dispatch).
The Associated Press, Moscow, June 16, 1945.
The Associated Press, Moscow, June 27, 1945.
The Associated Press, Montevideo, August 18, 1945.
The Associated Press, Oslo, August 25, 1945.
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The Associated Press, Washington, DC, April 27, 1946.
The Associated Press, Nuremberg, July 29, 1946.
The Associated Press, Munich, October 7, 1946.
The Associated Press, “Flier Claims Hitler Escaped,” Warsaw, December 18, 1947. http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=hSNPAAAAIBAJ&sjid=504DAAAAIBAJ&pg=4258,4339256&dq=baumgart+hitler+warsaw&hl=en.
The Associated Press, “Luftwaffe Pilot Sent to Gaol for Five Years,” Warsaw, August 8, 1949, published in Canberra Times, August 9, 1949. http://trove.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/page/690899.
Berliner Morgenpost, October 5, 1944.
British United Press, Hamburg, March 13, 1946.
Daily Express, London, June 19, 1945.
Der Spiegel. “Hitler.” July 18, 1966. http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/d-46407960.html.
International News Service, Srockholm, June 11, 1945.
Keely, Charles. “Peronism Still Strong in Argentina.” Copley News Service, Buenos Aires, December 5, 1964, reprinted in the News and Courier, Charleston, South Carolina, December 6, 1964.
La Prensa, Buenos Aires, August 20, 1945.
Newman, Joseph. “Two Mystery Figures Landed by U-boat.” New York Herald-Tribune, Buenos Aires, July 14, 1945.
New York Times. “Robot Bomb Attacks Here Held ‘Probable’ by Admiral.” January 8, 1945. http ://select.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=FAOC 16F93A5C1B7B93CBA 9178AD85F41848 5F9&scp=2&sq=V-1&st=p.
North American Newspaper Alliance, interview with Eva Braun’s mother, February 18, 1946.
North American Newspaper Alliance, New York, March 3, 1947.
Pearson, Drew. Syndicated column. July 24, 1945.
Pearson, Drew. “Washington Merry-Go-Round.” Bell Syndicate, December 15, 1943.
Reuters, Bad Godesburg, Rhineland, January 19, 1946; published in the Baltimore Sun, January 20, 1946.
Ross, Stanley. “U-Boats Base Spy Surge in Latin America.” Overseas News Agency. Christian Science Monitor, January 24, 1945.
Sunday Chronicle, London, June 17, 1945.
Telegraph Herald. “Claim Nazi Officials Arrive in Spain.” June 21, 1945. http://news.google.com/newspapers?id=XidiAAAAIBAJ&sjid=OXYNAAAAIBAJ&pg=4599,2831598&dq=hitler-in-spain&hl=en.
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United Press, Stockholm, June 11, 1945.
United Press, Rio de Janeiro, October 20, 1945.
United Press, Warsaw. “Hitler Escaped in U-Boat, Says German Pilot,” December 12, 1947, published in St. Petersburg Times, December 13, 1947. http://news.google.com/ newspapers?id=fyNPAAAAIBAJ&sjid=504DAAAAIBAJ&pg=4293,888260&dq=h itler-escaped-in-u-boat-says-germanpilot&hl=en.
United Press, Bonn, August 28, 1953.
Walter Winchell, syndicated column, October 26, 1944.
Современные публикации
Agence France Presse. «Man Says He Saw Hitler After War.» May 31, 1997. http://www.indianexpress.com/Storyold/2523/.
The Associated Press, New York, October 17, 2003.
The Associated Press, Berlin, December 3, 2004.
Cassese, Nicolбs. «La Rama nazi de Peryn.» La Natiуn, Buenos Aires, February 16, 1997. http://www.lanacion.com.ar/202464.
Castrillon. Ernesto G., and Luis Casabal. “Historia Viva Busquedas and Yo Fui Testigo.” La Natiуn, Buenos Aires, March 23, 2008.
Daily Telegraph, “Germany and US ‘Knew Where Eichmann Was in 1952,”’January 9, 2011. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/germany/8248965/Germany-and-US-knew-where-Eichmann-was-in-1952.html.
de Courcy, Anne. “The Dazzling Beauty with a Poison Pen.” Daily Mail, UK, January 9, 2009. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/books/article-l 109382/The-dazzling-beauty-poison-pen-DIANA-MOSLEY-THE-PURSUIT-OF-LAUGHTER.html.
Edge, Simon. “The Nazi King.” London Daily Express, May 23, 2011. http://dailyexpress.co.uk/posts/view/113232.
Evans, Michael. “’Unprincipled Ruffian’ Told MI5 of Nazi Plot to Get Gold to Argentina”. Sunday Times, September 4, 2007. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article2381177.ece.
Fielding, Nick. Sunday Times, December 28, 2003. http://forum.axishistory.com/view-topic.php?f=34&t=39672
Hoy en la Noticia. “El Pais: Hitler en Chubut.” La Plata, Argentina, July 24, 1997. pdf.diario-hoy.net/1997/07/240797CU.PDF.
Jewish Telegraph Agency, Buenos Aires, December 3, 1964.
La Maсana del Sur, Diario Ambito Financiero news group, Buenos Aires, 1996, interview with Araceli Mйndez.
Maine Sunday Telegram, Portland, October 29, 2000.
Melman, Yossi. “Tied Up in the Rat Lines.” Haaretz, Tel Aviv, January 17, 2006.
Mirodan, Seamus. “Nazis’ Argentine Village Hide-Out Pulls in Tourists.” London Daily Telegraph, February 14, 2004. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/south-america/argentina/1454352/Nazis-Argentine-village-hide-out-pulls-in-tourists.html.
New York Times. “Argentina Evades Its Nazi Past.” March 22, 1997. http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9E02E2DD 153BF931A15750C0A961958260.
New York Times. “Demjanjuk Convicted for Role in Nazi Death Camp.” May 12, 2011. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/13/world/europe/13nazi.html?_r=l&scp=2&sq=Demjan juk&st=cse.
New York Times, “Nazis Were Given Safe Haven in U.S., Report Says,” November 13, 2010. http://www.nytimes.eom/2010/l 1/14/us/14nazis.html?scp=2&sq=nazis&st=cse.
New York Times, Silvano Santander obituary, August 18, 1987.
Reuters. “Wiesenthal Says Evita Likely Stashed Nazi Loot.” June 26, 1997, published in Pбgina 12 newspaper, Buenos Aires.
Revista Espaсola de Historia Militar magazine, October 2004.
Siemaszko, Corky. “Memo Hit Swiss Over Nazi Loot.” New York Daily News, December 5, 1996. http://www.nydailynews.com/archives/news/1996/12/05/1996-12-05_memo_hit_swiss_over_nazi_loot.html.
Spiegel Online. “The Long Road to Eichmann’s Arrest.” April 1, 2011. http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,754486,00.hrml.
Taylor, Robert. “Nazi Martin Bormann Is Alive in Paraguay, Says Israeli Ex-spy, Boston Globe, July 26, 1971.
U.S. News & World Report. “Cry for Them, Argentina, Nazi Loot from Holocaust Victims Enriched Eva Peryn.” November 15, 1999.
Wiegrefe, Klaus. “The Nazi Criminals Who Became German Spooks.” Der Spiegel, February 16, 2011. www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,745640,00.html.
Архивные документы
The National Archives, Kew, London
File ADM 1/ 15798 – Woolforce.
File ADM 116/ 5474 & 5475 – Admiral Graf Spee crew repatriation.
File ADM 223/ 214 – History of 30 Commando Unit, later 30 Assault Unit and 30 Advance Unit.
File ADM 223/ 303–30 Assault Unit War Diary, 1944.
File ADM 223/ 500: Naval Intelligence Commando Unit.
File HW 18/400: U-880.
File HW 18/406: U-530.
File HW 18/410: U-518.
File HW 18/421: U-235.
File HW 18/431: U-1235.
File KV 2/ 3301: Interrogation of Dietrich Niebuhr.
File WO 171/ 1316: 5th King’s Regiment War Diary, 1944.
King’s College Library Military Archives, London
The History of 30 Assault Unit 1942–1946, Ref GB99.
Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library and Museum, Hyde Park, New York
OSS Official Dispatch Ref No. 250.
U.S. Department of Justice
The Office of Special Investigations: Striving for Accountability in the Aftermath of the Holocaust, Department of Justice, Criminal Division, 2006. http://documents.nytimes.com/ confidential-report-provides-new-evidence-of-notorious-nazi-cases?ref=us#p=l.
U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), College Park, Maryland
“Axis Espionage and Propaganda in Latin America.” NARA, Record Group 319, Records of the Army Staff, Records of the Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, Military Intelligence Division. Separate Binder.
“Final Interrogation Report of Edmund Freiherr von Thermann.” July 11, 1945, NARA, Record Group 59, Records of the Department of State, 862.20235/7-1145.
“Final Interrogation Report of Otto Reinebeck.” February 4, 1946, NARA, Record Group 59, Records of the Department of State, 862.20235/ 4–2646.
NA RG 226 Entry 134: Records of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), Director’s Office and Field Station Records.
NA RG 239/ 47: General Patton’s conversation re: Agrigento temples, Sicily.
NA RG 263: Wilhelm Hьttel [Hцttl] CIA Name File, Vol. 1.
– Correspondence by cable between Donovan and Dulles, March 24, 1945.
– Leslie to Dulles, April 17, 1945.
– Third Army Preliminary Interrogation Report No.17, June 1945.
NA RG 266 – Walter Schellenberg’s draft autobiography, June 1945.
NA-BDC RG 242, A-3343: Hьttel SS Officer File.
OSS Art Looting Investigation Unit Final Report. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, May 1946.
Рассекреченные правительственные документы
Большинство опубликованных документов ФБР можно найти на сайте: http://vault.fbi.gov/adolf-hitler.
Declassified Argentine document, «German Disembarkation at San Clemente del Tuyu,» Coordinaciуn Federal CF-OP-2315 from Central de Reuniуn to Navy Ministry, April 18, 1945, Argentine National Archive in Buenos Aires. For facsimile copy, see Farago, Aftermath.
Argentine document, “Strictly Secret and Confidential,” Direcciуn de Coordinacion Federal, CF “A” No.9976, October 5, 1960; report received September 1953.