» Детективы и Триллеры » Криминальный детектив » Mario Puzo - Крестный отец, часть 1. Английский язык с Марио Пьюзо.

Mario Puzo - Крестный отец, часть 1. Английский язык с Марио Пьюзо.

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It had been a busy but satisfying day (удачный: «удовлетворяющий» день; to satisfy [‘sætısfaı] – удовлетворять) for Tom Hagen. Genco Abbandando had died at three in the morning and when Don Corleone returned from the hospital, he had informed Hagen that he was now officially the new Consigliori to the family. This meant that Hagen was sure to become a very rich man, to say nothing of power (не говоря уж о власти).

The Don had broken a long-standing tradition (нарушил давнюю традицию). The Consigliori was always a full-blooded Sicilian («полнокровный» = чистокровный сицилиец), and the fact that Hagen had been brought up as a member of the Don's family (был выращен, воспитан) made no difference to that tradition. It was a question of blood. Only a Sicilian born to the ways of omerta (который с молоком матери впитывал в себя круговую поруку и обычай кровной мести /итал./), the law of silence (закон молчания), could be trusted in the key post of Consigliori.

Between the head of the family, Don Corleone, who dictated policy (определял политику, курс = стратегию), and the operating level of men (и исполнительским уровнем [levl]) who actually carried out the orders of the Don (которые фактически, в на самом деле исполняли приказы; actually [‘ækt∫u∂lı]), there were three layers (слоя, пласта, прокладки), or buffers. In that way nothing could be traced to the top (таким образом ничто нельзя было проследить до верхушки /до руководства/; trace – след, отпечаток; to trace – проследить, выследить). Unless the Consigliori turned traitor (кроме того случая, если бы консильори оказался предателем). That Sunday morning Don Corleone gave explicit instructions (подробные, ясные [ıks'plısıt]) on what should be done to the two young men (что должно быть сделано) who had beaten the daughter of Amerigo Bonasera. But he had given those orders in private to Tom Hagen. Later in the day Hagen had, also in private without witnesses (без свидетелей), instructed Clemenza. In turn Clemenza had told Paulie Gatto to execute the commission (выполнить поручение). Paulie Gatto would now muster the necessary manpower (соберет необходимый личный состав, подберет исполнителей) and execute the orders. Paulie Gatto and his men would not know why this particular task was being carried out (почему выполняется эта конкретная, частная задача = именно эта задача; particular [p∂’tıkjul∂] – особый, особенный; отдельный, одиночный; task [tα:sk] – урочная работа, задача) or who had ordered it originally (первоначально). Each link of the chain would have to turn traitor (каждое звено цепи должно было бы оказаться предателем) for the Don to be involved (быть замешанным) and though it had never yet happened, there was always the possibility (возможность этого сохранялась). The cure for that possibility also was known (средство против этого: «лечение» было также известно). Only one link in the chain had to disappear (должно было исчезнуть).

The Consigliori was also what his name implied (что и заключало в себе, предполагало само название: to imply [ım’plaı]). He was the counselor to the Don (советником [‘kaunsl∂]), his right-hand man, his auxiliary brain («вспомогательным мозгом» [o:g'zılj∂rı]). He was also his closest companion and his closest friend. On important trips he would drive the Don's car, at conferences he would go out and get the Don refreshments (приносить закуски, освежающие напитки), coffee and sandwiches, fresh cigars. He would know everything the Don knew or nearly everything, all the cells of power (все клеточки = сегменты власти). He was the one man in the world who could bring the Don crashing down to destruction (кто мог бы с треском провалить Дона; to crush – с грохотом разрушать, разбивать). But no Consigliori had ever betrayed a Don (ни один консильори ни разу не изменил Дону), not in the memory of any of the powerful Sicilian families who had established themselves in America (обосновались; to establish [ıs’tæblı∫] – укреплять, делать стойким; основывать, учреждать). There was no future in it (в этом не было будущего = не было никакого смысла). And every Consigliori knew that if he kept the faith (если останется верен; faith [feıθ] – вера; верность), he would become rich, wield power (добьется власти; to wield – уметь обращаться; иметь в своем распоряжении, владеть) and win respect. If misfortune came, his wife and children would be sheltered and cared for (их приютят и о них позаботятся; shelter – приют, кров, убежище) as if he were alive or free (как если бы он был жив или свободен). If he kept the faith.

In some matters the Consigliori had to act for his Don in a more open way and yet not involve his principal (и все же не втягивать, не вмешивать своего начальника [‘prıns∂p∂l]). Hagen was flying to Califomia on just such a matter (как раз по такому делу). He realized that his career as Consigliori would be seriously affected by the success or failure of this mission (что на его карьеру серьезно повлияет, чем окончится его миссия: успехом или провалом, неудачей; to affect [∂’fekt] – подвергать воздействию, затрагивать; failure ['feılj∂] – неспособность, несостоятельность; банкротство; неудача; to fail – недоставать; потерпеть неудачу). By family business standards whether Johnny Fontane got his coveted part in the war movie (получил ли желанную роль: to covet [‘kLvıt] – жаждать, домогаться, сильно желать), or did not, was a minor matter (мелочь, нечто несущественное; minor [‘maın∂] – незначительный). Far more important was the meeting (гораздо важнее была встреча) Hagen had set up (назначил, спланировал) with Virgil Sollozzo the following Friday. But Hagen knew that to the Don, both were of equal importance (оба дела были одинаковой важности; equal [‘i:kw∂l] – равный, одинаковый, идентичный), which settled the matter for any good Consigliori (что решало вопрос = что и было решающим для каждого хорошего консильори).

It was late Sunday night before Tom Hagen could kiss his wife goodbye and drive out to the airport. With his special number one priority (a grateful gift from a Pentagon staff general officer) he had no trouble getting on a plane to Los Angeles.

It had been a busy but satisfying day for Tom Hagen. Genco Abbandando had died at three in the morning and when Don Corleone returned from the hospital, he had informed Hagen that he was now officially the new Consigliori to the family. This meant that Hagen was sure to become a very rich man, to say nothing of power.

The Don had broken a long-standing tradition. The Consigliori was always a full-blooded Sicilian, and the fact that Hagen had been brought up as a member of the Don's family made no difference to that tradition. It was a question of blood. Only a Sicilian born to the ways of omerta, the law of silence, could be trusted in the key post of Consigliori.

Between the head of the family, Don Corleone, who dictated policy, and the operating level of men who actually carried out the orders of the Don, there were three layers, or buffers. In that way nothing could be traced to the top. Unless the Consigliori turned traitor. That Sunday morning Don Corleone gave explicit instructions on what should be done to the two young men who had beaten the daughter of Amerigo Bonasera. But he had given those orders in private to Tom Hagen. Later in the day Hagen had, also in private without witnesses, instructed Clemenza. In turn Clemenza had told Paulie Gatto to execute the commission. Paulie Gatto would now muster the necessary manpower and execute the orders. Paulie Gatto and his men would not know why this particular task was being carried out or who had ordered it originally. Each link of the chain would have to turn traitor for the Don to be involved and though it had never yet happened, there was always the possibility. The cure for that possibility also was known. Only one link in the chain had to disappear.

The Consigliori was also what his name implied. He was the counselor to the Don, his right-hand man, his auxiliary brain. He was also his closest companion and his closest friend. On important trips he would drive the Don's car, at conferences he would go out and get the Don refreshments, coffee and sandwiches, fresh cigars. He would know everything the Don knew or nearly everything, all the cells of power. He was the one man in the world who could bring the Don crashing down to destruction. But no Consigliori had ever betrayed a Don, not in the memory of any of the powerful Sicilian families who had established themselves in America. There was no future in it. And every Consigliori knew that if he kept the faith, he would become rich, wield power and win respect. If misfortune came, his wife and children would be sheltered and cared for as if he were alive or free. If he kept the faith.

In some matters the Consigliori had to act for his Don in a more open way and yet not involve his principal. Hagen was flying to Califomia on just such a matter. He realized that his career as Consigliori would be seriously affected by the success or failure of this mission. By family business standards whether Johnny Fontane got his coveted part in the war movie, or did not, was a minor matter. Far more important was the meeting Hagen had set up with Virgil Sollozzo the following Friday. But Hagen knew that to the Don, both were of equal importance, which settled the matter for any good Consigliori.

The piston plane (самолет с поршневым двигателем; piston [‘pıst∂n] – поршень) shook Tom Hagen's already nervous insides («и без того уже нервные внутренности») and he ordered a martini from the hostess to quiet them (заказал у стюардессы мартини, чтобы их успокоить; hostess ['h∂ustıs] – хозяйка; стюардесса; официантка). Both the Don and Johnny had briefed him on the character of the movie producer, Jack Woltz (вкратце рассказали ему, инструктировали его по поводу характера кинопродюсера). From everything that Johnny said, Hagen knew he would never be able to persuade Woltz (никогда, ни за что не сможет убедить [p∂’sweıd]). But he also had no doubt whatsoever (вовсе никакого сомнения) that the Don would keep his promise to Johnny. His own role was that of negotiator and contact (его ролью была роль посредника).

Lying back in his seat, Hagen went over all the information given to him that day. Jack Woltz was one of the three most important movie producers in Hollywood, owner of his own studio with dozens of stars under contract (с дюжинами звезд «под контрактом»). He was on the President of the United States' Advisory Council for War Information (он был членом Президентского консультативного совета по вопросам военной информации; аdvisory [∂’dvaız∂rı] – совещательный), Cinematic Division (Отдел киноискусства), which meant simply (что просто означало) that he helped make propaganda movies. He had had dinner at the White House. He had entertained J. Edgar Hoover in his Hollywood home (принимал, угощал). But none of this was as impressive as it sounded (но ничто из этого не было таким впечатляющим, как казалось: «звучало»). They were all official relationships (все это были официальные связи). Woltz didn't have any personal political power, mainly (в основном) because he was an extreme reactionary (крайне реакционен, крайним реакционером; extreme [ıkstri:m]), partly (отчасти) because he was a megalomaniac (страдал манией величия) who loved to wield power wildly (который любил полновластно, самодурно: «дико» распоряжаться своей властью; to wield – уметь обращаться; иметь в своем распоряжении, владеть) without regard to the fact (не обращая внимания на то) that by so doing (что, оттого что он так делал: «так делая») legions of enemies sprang up out of the ground (легионы врагов вырастали из земли /как грибы/).

Hagen sighed. There would be no way to "handle" Jack Woltz (справиться, управиться /путем переговоров/). He opened his briefcase (портфель) and tried to get some paper work done (попытался сделать кое-какую бумажную работу), but he was too tired. He ordered another martini and reflected on his life (стал размышлять). He had no regrets (сожалений), indeed he felt that he had been extremely lucky. Whatever the reason (какая бы на то ни была причина = как бы то ни было), the course he had chosen ten years ago had proved to be right for him (курс, путь, образ действия оказался верен, подходящ для него). He was successful, he was as happy as any grown man could reasonably expect (наскольку зрелый мужчина может «разумно ожидать»), and he found life interesting.

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